Navigations on the same origin will still include the path. origin-when-cross-origin: The referrer sent to other origins will be limited to the scheme, the host, and the port.origin: The sent referrer will be limited to the origin of the referring page: its scheme, host, and port.no-referrer-when-downgrade: The Referer header will not be sent to origins without TLS ( HTTPS).no-referrer: The Referer header will not be sent.Indicates which referrer to send when fetching the frame's resource: This can be used in the target attribute of the, , or elements the formtarget attribute of the or elements or the windowName parameter in the window.open() method. lazy: Defer loading of the iframe until it reaches a calculated distance from the viewport, as defined by the browser.Ī targetable name for the embedded browsing context.eager: Load the iframe immediately, regardless if it is outside the visible viewport (this is the default value).Indicates how the browser should load the iframe: autoĭefault: Signals automatic determination of fetch priority relative to other iframe documents. Signals a low-priority fetch relative to other iframe documents. Signals a high-priority fetch relative to other iframe documents. Provides a hint of the relative priority to use when fetching the iframe document. csp ExperimentalĪ Content Security Policy enforced for the embedded resource. Note: This attribute is considered a legacy attribute and redefined as allow="payment".