What to do: Check your motion light’s duration settings (this setting should be located next to the sensitivity or “range” setting). If it seems like your outdoor security lights are constantly on, it could just be that it’s activating frequently (due to high sensitivity levels) and then staying on for a very long time. Most models have durations that span from 1 minute to over a half hour. These dictate how long the light will stay on after being activated. Motion sensor lights also have “duration” setting options. Light still won’t turn off? Then your duration settings may be the culprit. only the driveway instead of a busy street). You may also want to adjust the direction of the sensor head so that it only picks up movement from a specific area (i.e. What to do: If the sensitivity dial is set to “max”, lower it. If the sensitivity is too high, the light will constantly “trip” when it detects small movements like a flying bug or even a spider web. These can usually be controlled with a small dial (this dial may also be labeled “range” and will look something like this). Most security lights have a sensitivity setting on the sensor head or under the light fixture.
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If you need professional help, just contact us-we’ll send one right away. If the following steps aren’t applicable to your lights, have a professional inspect the fixture. Note: Not all security lights are designed with the same settings. Not sure which one is your problem? Don’t worry, we’ll help you troubleshoot a security light that stays on 24/7.