“Despite being faced with multiple challenges during execution, the team was driven to show us the way to make more profits by applying this advanced control technology.” “Honeywell engineers showed good knowledge about ammonia process and commitment to make this project a success,” says Ahmed Nuruddin, plant operations manager for GPIC. Five-year ongoing agreement for services and support to extend the life of the platform and provide a cost-effective path to the latest updates.Profit Stepper, an integrated tool that feeds into Profit Controller to provide data collection, automated testing, data visualization, and online identification of dynamic modules.

Ammonia plant operation deals with complex interaction of several process parameters, but since the plant operations were fairly stable and well managed already, GPIC and Honeywell engineers conducted a benefits study and worked on a partnership model to implement an APC strategy. The two companies studied the situation together and concluded that there was indeed potential for improvement. Jawahery and his engineering team approached Honeywell Process Solutions to see if using advanced process control (APC) could achieve this aim and increase production as part of the effort. “We wanted to find ways of gaining competitive advantage by using innovative technologies that have a holistic effect on our people, plant, and processes.” “In today’s times of recession, it is critical to find some sort of competitive advantage that also falls in line with your larger business goals,” says Abdul Rehman Jawahery, general manager, GPIC.